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The Charity Commission rejected our application to become a charity - its reason being that we support and write about local business. Clearly it does not realise the importance and value of the business community for a rural area. To challenge this, however, could have been very expensive and so the decision was taken to continue as a Not-for-profit community interest company. Anne Kaneko has retired from the reception role after many years and we owe her a great debt of gratitude for all the hard work she has put into reception, proofing and delivery. Also whilst saying goodbye and thank you to Anthony Sykes, who has served the paper for 13 years as a Director, Company Secretary and Advertising Manager and we wish him well, HP16 CIC welcomes two new directors Anne Hewett and Gill Foley. Both of the editors remain, Colin Veysey for overall edit and Holly Burrows for the Youth Souce.
We will be changing our advertising pricing, with Anne the This is taking some time to achieve and it is hoped that the paper will be returning in the New Year (2025). We also aim to give you the readers an opportunity to support the paper which, although not expesive to run, as everyone is a volunteer, there are printing costs and overheads such as insuranceand accountancy. Please do consider donating, the bank details are in the box above. Thank you!
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the pdf file for the current issue
Thanks! So - why a paper and a website?
Well, there are still many in the community who do not have a computer, and some of those are the most in need of information about the opportunities, the events and the news of the community - and that is almost impossible to find when mobility becomes difficult.
Equally, some of us simply surf... and rarely read, or are rarely in the area through work etc. For you, the website gives access to events, news and opportunities in the HP16 area that could otherwise be inaccessible.
Delivered FREE to every home and business in the area.
HP16 The Source is a newspaper aiming to enable people to get to know what is happening and to get involved. Over 100 volunteers, along with scores of businesses, charities, societies, clubs, churches and public bodies make it possible. We want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone involved in it.